Monday 16 June 2014

What are Infographics?

Infographics have introduced an easy and creative way to share information and interesting data. In an age where knowledge is becoming increasing available, educators and students alike are finding new ways to tune in and engage, where Infographics can present information with the ease of understanding and interpretation. 

The world of the intra-web has expanded ways to support educators in developing innovative methods to tackle areas of the curriculum.  Educators have the ability to use web-based approaches, commencing in the classroom and provide students the ability to effectively develop graphical methods for presentation. Infographics allow students develop additional understandings of visual communication practices and apply effective ways to present their knowledge of their investigation.

Big Australia: Geographically & Demographically

Recently, infographics have emerged as dynamic tool to visually represent knowledge of topics and have this knowledge displayed in a format that creates interest for students and educators alike. Websites such as and share great examples how infographics have the ability to be used to cover a wide range of topics aimed towards a broad audience and provide instant snapshots of knowledge.